
We understand there are a lot of options out there when it comes to pelvic floor training solutions.

But, they're not all created equal. Here's a quick layout of how we stack up against other therapies, products and solutions.

Comparison Table:
Category Description Benefits Considerations Price Range Comparison Comments Side Effects & Risks Duration for Results Duration of Usage Effectiveness for Weakness Levels
Kegelbell Weighted, external device outside body, with small insert in the vaginal canal to strengthen pelvic floor muscles to create automatic kegel reflex. Effective, strengthens pelvic floor, advanced training Must be comfortable with something an inch long inserted in the vaginal canal. $45-100 More effective than basic Kegels or internally held kegel weights Used in a private place Only if not washed properly before use 2-8 weeks 5 minutes 3 times a day All  Weakness levels
App-Based Exercises Guided Kegel exercises with educational content. Convenient, personalized guidance, potentially free. May require discipline, phone access, privacy and data issues. -varies Compare features, content quality May require a smartphone, internet access Minor muscle strain from improper form Varies depending on consistency Daily use Mild to Moderate Weakness
Kegel Weights Weighted device inserted vaginally to strengthen muscles. Can be effective for very lax muscles. Requires practice, may not be comfortable for everyone. $50-100 More effective than basic Kegels Requires internal use UTIs, infection, irritation from inferior materials, can create hypertonic muscles due to instruction to use for 15 minute to many hours, which keeps muscles in a contracted position for too long. 3-6 months Daily use for 15-20 minutes up to several hours depending on instructions Extreme Weakness as Mild to Moderate may not have challenge with light weight
Pelvic Mesh Surgery Plastic mesh permanently installed in pelvic muscle Prosthetic for weak muscle. Invasive surgery, anesthesia, down time. $10,000 Perceived as quick fix FDA declared high risk Permanent debilitating pain, cuts penis upon entry, infection, irritation, burning senation unknown Permanent implant, cannot be removed without further injuiry Extreme Weakness
Electro-stimulation Device delivers electrical pulses to stimulate muscles. Is necessarily painful, which some people like. 😈 Requires dedicated time, privacy, potential for infection. $300-1200 (some insurance coverage) More effective than Kegels for some Requires prescription for some devices Skin irritation, muscle soreness, nerve damage over time, can interfere with heart conditions 3-6 months Daily or every other day for 20-30 minutes
May be helpful for Moderate to Severe Weakness (consult doctor)
Magnetic Therapy Chair transmits magnetic field to pelvic floor. Easy to use, clothed treatment in a doctor's office. Questionable efficacy, high cost. $2000 (for 6 sessions) Less effective than other options Limited research Cramping, lower back pain 6 treatment sessions, followed by maintenance sessions Limited data on effectiveness
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Personalized program with a therapist. Highly effective, addresses specific needs. Requires unknown commitment, cost, travel, insurance ~$250 per session (insurance may cover) Most effective option May require referral depends on quality of therapist Varies depending on severity Weekly or bi-weekly sessions, followed by home exercises All Levels of  Weakness
Traditional Kegel Exercises Contract and relax pelvic floor muscles without equipment. Free, convenient. Requires correct technique, discipline. Free Least expensive option Requires guidance for proper technique 75% of women do incorrectly Varies depending on consistency Daily use for several sets of Kegels Mild to Moderate Weakness
Pads and Diapers Absorbent products for incontinence. Manages symptoms, not a solution. Ongoing cost, doesn't address root cause. $750 per year Not a strengthening option Less independence Leaks, skin irritation, rash, UTI N/A Ongoing use as needed N/A
Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery Surgical procedure to tighten vaginal tissues. Extreme measure, limited evidence of long-term benefits. High cost, serious risks. $6000-25,000 Not recommended Potential for severe complications Burning, fusing of labia, fusing of vaginal canal N/A N/A Severe weakness
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Medication (pills, patches, creams) to replace estrogen. Improves vaginal dryness, may improve mild incontinence. Potential side effects, not suitable for everyone (consult doctor). Varies depending on type and dosage May be combined with other options Discuss risks and benefits with doctor Blood clots, breast cancer risk (depending on type), mood swigns Weeks to months Daily or continuous use (consult doctor) May improve symptoms for some
Urethral Injections Collagen or bulking agent injected into urethra to improve closure. Improves stress incontinence (leaking with coughing, laughing). Temporary effects, may require repeat procedures. $1000-3000 per session Alternative to surgery for some Discuss risks and benefits with doctor Infection, discomfort,  Weeks to months Repeat procedures may be needed May improve symptoms for some