U.S. Women Struggle with Sex More Than the French

U.S. Women Struggle with Sex More Than the French

Why U.S. Women Face Declining Sex Lives, and French Women Don’t

American women are at a great disadvantage when it comes to maintaining a healthy sex life as they age, especially if they’ve given birth. According to a recent study, 48% of women are worried about vaginal laxity after natural childbirth.

Not only that, they’re far more likely to develop incontinence at a young age and are at risk of having their pelvic organs sag into their vaginal canal requiring expensive pelvic organ prolapse surgery. These issues are surprisingly common and are all caused by the same condition - a weak pelvic floor. 

Initial symptoms start gradually and seem only mildly irritating at first. Because of this gradual onset, many women tend to ignore the issues, particularly if they have just given birth. In the U.S., women are often told that these symptoms are “normal” and their complaints are dismissed by both the medical community and society in general. 

The tragedy is that a simple solution exists, yet the majority of U.S. women are simply not aware. They have no idea that ignoring these symptoms will make their condition worse. In fact, most don’t even know what their pelvic floor is or why it’s important.

Disastrous Consequences

You may be wondering what causes a weak pelvic floor or how you can determine the health of yours. While there are several causes, one of the most common is vaginal childbirth. You’ll know that you have a weak pelvic floor if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above. 

When your vaginal muscles are weak, it causes a lack of control, which greatly minimizes the pleasurable sensations derived from sex for both partners. Men may notice a weaker grip on their penis, while women will be less likely to have an orgasm at all. 

Another consequence that can affect women of all ages is uncontrollably peeing when they cough, sneeze, laugh, or lift heavy objects. This experience is not “normal,” and women should not have to accept it as a reality for the rest of their lives. Imagine how many activities you would be forced to skip to avoid embarrassing moments. Think of the joy that you’ll miss out on while you’re “managing” this annoyance instead of playing with your kids. Consider the cost and inconvenience of wearing pads every single day. Think about how you would feel discovering that you need significant organ surgery later in life as a result of something that can easily be taken care of now. 

Ignoring this issue is not an acceptable option.

French Women Are at a Great Advantage

So why aren’t French women suffering from the same problem? Simply put, the French government recognizes the significance of the issue, takes is seriously, and provides services to address it. They have realized that what they call “perineal reeducation” therapy is an immense benefit for their country’s women (and men) and also a cost savings as it reduces the rate of organ prolapse, which decreases the number of required surgeries. 

As a result, French physicians are much more proactive in providing postpartum care. It is standard procedure for a physician to prescribe 10 – 20 physical therapy sessions postpartum to strengthen and tone the vaginal muscles in the pelvic floor responsible for not only orgasms (contracting the vagina,) but also holding back pee. In fact, they view the rejuvenation of a woman’s vaginal tone to be paramount to her overall health and happiness. The cost of physical therapy to prevent postpartum incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and to restore sexual function is covered by their government. This preventative care ensures that women can return to a healthy, comfortable, and safe sex life which in-turn supports strong relationships and avoids many uncomfortable moments throughout their lives.  

American Women Must Take Action

In America, postpartum care generally consists of nothing more than a single follow-up appointment roughly six weeks after a normal birth. The physician conducts a simple exam to confirm the uterus is returning to pre-pregnancy size, and if so, there is no additional follow-up recommended. The doctor may mention that it’s a good idea to do kegel exercises, but even this lax recommendation is rare. 

One report on pelvic organ prolapse by the American Journal of ObGyn, concluded that over 80 percent of women have some degree of pelvic organ prolapse.  And there was a significant British survey and analysis of several incontinence studies that found over 66% of all women have some bladder leakage. 

The good news is that there are solutions available today for American women, though they will have to foot the bill themselves. Look for physical therapy (PT) practices that focus on pelvic floor strengthening. Although they are somewhat hard to find, you may be able to locate one via Google search or by asking your OB/GYN for a recommendation. It’s even possible that some insurance carriers will cover your session, but you should definitely confirm that in advance.

If you prefer a more private method to tone up your pelvic floor, start by following the advice in this article. You’ll learn how to check whether you’re exercising the right muscles and get advice on top kegel exercises to practice. 

For faster results, try a kegel exercise weight training system, which can be purchased and used in the privacy of your home. Look for an option with an external weight system for optimal effectiveness and to ensure proper form. With regular use of a kegel exercise weight training system, you should start to see results in as little as two weeks. 

Take action today to end your needless suffering and improve your intimate moments.


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